Olena S. Miller, LPC, LMHC, LPCC, MS, MA is a licensed mental health therapist practicing in multiple states, bringing years of expertise to her clients. With more than a decade of experience as a trainer, Olena has a proven track record of guiding individuals toward professional growth and skill development. She is dedicated to helping clients navigate the complexities of trauma, offering compassionate and evidence-based therapeutic support. Olena's extensive training background complements her therapy practice, providing a holistic approach to mental health and personal development.
In addition to her professional achievements, Olena is passionate about promoting mental health awareness and advocating for trauma survivors. Olena is the Founder and Host of Temporary Circumstances Podcast, a podcast on all things mental health, and is an advocate for current and former foster youth.
Bridget Lowe, LPC, MS is an experienced trauma therapist and trainer with almost 10 years of expertise in the field of mental health. Specializing in trauma recovery, Bridget has dedicated her career to helping individuals heal from the emotional and psychological impacts of traumatic experiences.
Bridget is committed to fostering resilience and empowering individuals to reclaim their lives after trauma. In addition to working with clients individually, Bridget has experience in psycho-dynamic group work and has successfully facilitated multiple trauma and addiction recovery groups for men and women. Bridget has experience in working and training in private practice settings and creating partnerships with community facilities.